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Carbon capture can boost economy by £490m a year, say researchers



Carbon capture can boost economy by £490m a year, say researchers

Hello and welcome to our daily digest of business, financial and economic news from around Scotland.

A report from the Centre for Energy Policy at the University of Strathclyde says Scotland can store captured carbon in depleted oil fields in the North Sea


1. Scotland could boost its economy by up to £490 million a year and create 4,900 jobs by transporting and storing carbon emissions, according to a report.

The Centre for Energy Policy at the University of Strathclyde said its projections, which run through to 2042, were linked to the deployment of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology around the UK.

To achieve the most optimistic economic forecast the CEP suggested Scotland would need to bring in emissions from other parts of the UK and overseas destinations before storing them in depleted oil fields in the North Sea.

Karen Turner, the CEP director, said the industry offered significant

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