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Humza Yousaf reportedly considering his position as FM – Scottish Business News



Humza Yousaf reportedly considering his position as FM – Scottish Business News

HUMZA Yousaf is reportedly on the brink of quitting as First Minister following an extraordinary day in Holyrood.

A number of SNP sources have said Mr Yousaf is now considering his position, with the FM cancelling at least one planned visit in his diary.

A former ally and supporter of Mr Yousaf has also told The Times: “He’s done. Whether it’s today, tomorrow or later than that, he’s done.”

But another senior SNP source reckons he won’t go down without a fight: “Only one MSP needs to change their mind and he’s going to make every effort to convince at least one MSP to do just that.”

News broke early on Thursday that the First Minister was holding a cabinet meeting at 8.30 in the morning.

Soon after, Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater were seen leaving Bute House shortly before the end of the agreement was confirmed.

A furious statement from the party said Scotland “can’t trust weak and thoroughly hopeless” First Minister as they attacked the government.

A press conference was then held by the First Minister at Bute House, where he repeatedly said the power-sharing deal had “served its purpose”.

A hostile FMQs was then held in the Chamber. Douglas Ross brought forward a motion of no-confidence in the First Minister.

Soon after, Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens confirmed they would support the Tory motion.

What next for the FM?

The confidence vote is expected to take place next Wednesday.

It’s not binding, meaning he won’t lose his job should he lose the vote, but not having the support of the majority of parliament would be a huge blow.

Should he resign, MSPs would have four weeks (28 days) to elect a new First Minister.

If they can’t agree on one, which would seem unlikely given the current make-up of parliament, a snap election would be called.

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