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‘I’ll be watching Scotland closely’ – Hart



‘I’ll be watching Scotland closely’ – Hart

I’ll be watching Scotland closely too, of course, because of my old team-mates from Celtic who are in their team. How Scotland do doesn’t bother me, but I want my pals to do well.

I’ve got personal connections with players from lots of other teams at these Euros too, and it’s the same for all of them. Ultimately they are my friends and I want what is best for them, no matter what country they are from.

In the past I had to face my mates at tournaments and try to get the better of them, so what will be quite refreshing this time is that I won’t have to put those friendships aside.

I’m not on the pitch this time, so it doesn’t matter what I do. Instead I can just be happy for my pals to be out there on the biggest stage, and fingers crossed they will perform.

Read the full column here.

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