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Scotland’s Humza Yousaf planning to quit as first minister: Report



Scotland’s Humza Yousaf planning to quit as first minister: Report

Humza Yousaf is reportedly contemplating resigning from the post of Scotland’s first minister rather than face two confidence votes, British media reported on Monday (Apr 29). It is expected that the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) will quit on Monday itself amid a struggle to secure support to lead a minority government. 

The reports came after Thursday’s collapse of the Bute House Agreement, which was Yousaf’s power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens. 

The 39-year-old politician’s government had earlier abandoned ambitious targets for the transition to net-zero carbon emissions, which had angered the Greens. The Greens slammed Yousaf and accused him of “selling out future generations” over climate. 

Soon after, the opposition Scottish Conservatives lodged a vote of no-confidence in Yousaf. As per reports, it is due to be held as early as Wednesday. Scottish Labour has lodged another no-confidence vote in his government. 

Yousaf said a few days ago that he was “quite confident” that he could win the no-confidence vote called by political opponents, but his hopes of leading a minority government appear to be faltering with reports of quitting. 

With a vote of no-confidence, the leadership crisis in the party has deepened. Notably, the SNP is also losing popular support after 17 years of heading the Scottish Government. 

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If Yousaf loses the vote of no-confidence, parliament would have 28 days to choose a new first minister before an election is forced. 

Polling firm YouGov said earlier this month that for the first time in a decade, the Labour Party had overtaken the SNP in voting intentions for a Westminster election. 

Notably, Labour’s win in Scotland in Britain’s next national election would significantly bolster the party’s chances of taking power from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party. 

Yousaf, who previously held health and justice ministerial briefs in the Scottish Government, succeeded former SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon as first minister in March 2023. 

(With inputs from agencies) 

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